Thursday 10 November 2011

How to Make Your WordPress Blog More Google Friendly

Make your WordPress blog more Google friendly to increase your standing in search ranking and, ultimately, drive more traffic to your blog. Install plug-ins that allow you to add search engine optimized titles and descriptions to your posts. Create a Google XML sitemap to submit to Google so it can index the blog. Use title and description tags for images embedded in your blog posts to increase your standing in Google search rankings.

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1
Log in to the WordPress Dashboard and choose “Add New” from the “Plugins” pane, type “SEO” into the “Search” field and hit “Enter.” Install and activate the plug-in whose description you feel best matches your blog’s SEO needs. Examples include “All In One SEO Pack” and “WordPress by Yoast.”
Locate the SEO box that now appears within each post and add a title and description to be used by search engines. Don’t use comma-separated keywords, as Google considers these spam as of the date of publication. Instead, incorporate keywords and phrases into titles and descriptions organically.
Return to the “Add Plugins” screen and input “XML Sitemap.” Install and activate the plug-in of your choice, such as “BWP Google Sitemap” or “Google XML Sitemap.” Click the name of either plug-in within the “Settings” pane of the WordPress dashboard and choose “Create New Sitemap” to create a structure directory listing of your blog as it currently exists. Choose the option that allows you to submit the site map to Google and resubmit often to keep Google updated as to the structure of your site.
Open each post individually, hover your mouse over each image and click the “Image” icon. Add a brief title and description to each image in the “Alt Title” and “Alt Description” fields, respectively. Again, avoid using sequences of random keywords. Instead, use complete phrases that describe the post’s content using keywords without sounding robotic.
Choose “Permalinks” from the “Settings” pane. Select any of the permalink options that include the name of your blog post. Placing blog titles in permalinks, which are the URLs that link directly to blog posts, giving search engines an additional means of identifying and categorizing content in your blog.
Writing good, original content on a regular basis always makes your site look better to Google, regardless of other changes you make. Focus on the quality of your content first and foremost.

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