Friday 11 November 2011

Disadvantages of Google Apps

Google Apps allows you to create and access your documents from any computer with Internet access. It is cheaper than many other online apps alternatives, but with the pros come several major disadvantages. These problems affect businesses and enterprises more than individuals, but everyone should take these cons into consideration before using Google Apps.

As with any application that is completely online based, there is a privacy issue. According to a PCWorld Business World article, many privacy advocates have stated that privacy is a concern with Google. Google stores all documents, contacts and other app data automatically whether you choose to store it online or off. Your information is kept on Google’s servers for two months or more, with no guarantee it is ever deleted. Hackers could access old data as easily as newer information. Storing and using Google Apps online opens up numerous privacy issues with little real comforting assurances.
When you use offline applications or even your own server based apps, you have more control over potential downtime. At the very least, you have control over fixing the problem, if possible. While Google is very rarely down, there are periods when accounts and specific apps may be unavailable. For time sensitive projects, not knowing why a service is down or when it may be back up is a stress you can’t afford. Using Google Apps means planning well in advance for potential hiccups.
Anytime you use online only apps and store your information online, you lose some of your control. With desktop applications, most data is stored locally. As long as you have power, you can use and access your files and applications. With Google Apps, you are at the mercy of an available Internet connection. Without this, you cannot access your data or apps. Since no Internet provider is perfect, there will be periods without access.
Google Apps allows you to store 1 GB for free. Additional storage is available for an additional fee. Files can only be up to 1 GB in size, which happens rarely. If you are looking to save money, storage space must be figured into your budget. Your only other option is to store as much data as possible locally, which limits access and availability outside of your local computer or server.
No matter how hard online applications try to run smoothly, there will be latency issues. When you use desktop applications, each action you perform is carried out immediately. When you use Google Apps, you may notice several seconds between when you perform and action and when it actual completes onscreen. While this doesn’t occur with every action, latency is a disadvantage that can’t be prevented.

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